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Re: Don's valuable asset

To:, owner-vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net,,
Subject: Re: Don's valuable asset
From: S800Racer <>
Date: Sun, 4 Jan 1998 22:23:10 EST
        I can accept security as a perfectly valid and acceptable consideration 
desiring an enclosed trailer.  
        As for the query (& I thought a rather snippy one) about whether they 
in hotels in the old days, I have to defer to someone who was racing in the
old days.  My guess is they did.  Was security as big a consideration then?
Of course not.  
        Don also felt it necessary to point out that my Ford Aerostar and 
trailer is "definitely not in the vintage spirit."  Although I suggested that
enclosed trailers were not in the vintage spirit (because it is so different
from how these cars got to the track 30 years ago), I did not mean to suggest
that my set-up is some wonderful representation of what it was like 30 years
        The point of my posting is that for some of us, an enclosed trailer is
unnecessary.  For me, less is more.  I am very happy without an enclosed
trailer and, for me, an open trailer has some advantages.  I thought I would
extoll these virtues for the benefit of anyone considering how to get their
car to the track.  

        Doug Meis -- Team Escargot

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