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Re: why membership is small in this newsgroup

To: <>, "FHammett" <>,
Subject: Re: why membership is small in this newsgroup
From: "Paul Schooley" <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 1997 07:51:20 -0500
Here, here!

I'm in the silent majority, learning the tricks of the trade (ah
geez...novice, of course). As in any ultra cool trade, one must also accept
the bantering of the highly skilled and learn to enjoy their personalities
ad nauseum (humour there folks!). It is said that using the delete key can
improve your steering response on race day. Any comments on this one? Be
thankful you have a thread where the skilled share their thoughts and
ideas. I, for one, am learning a lot. I plan to be vintage racing by the
end of '98; probably beating the doors off some guy in Florida because he
lost the gears in his transmission (you know who you are).

Ok you crazy people. I've said my piece. I'm out of the closet. Carry on.

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