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Re: Victory Lane

To: "Rockney, Vaughn (GEIS)" <>
Subject: Re: Victory Lane
From: "John A. Rollins" <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 1997 10:37:49 -0800
Rockney, Vaughn (GEIS) wrote:
> Listers,
>    I just picked up the February issue of Victory Lane.. I guess I'm a
> bit behind.  This issue is outstanding, as are all issues, with two
> great stories about the Florida SCCA region races last November and
> December.  On page 27 is a picture of the vintage-race list's own John
> Rollins, and the results from December 28 show him the big winner!..
> Guess he's too modest to toot his own horn, so I'll do it for him..
> great job John!
>    Also spotted a mention of Myles Kitchen in the VARA Palm springs
> write up driving the Lamborghini.. there is probably other famous list
> members I missed.. great job Myles!
>    Anyhow, I thought it was a great issue.
> Vaughn

In all fairness, it's easy to be the big winner when you drive the
fastest car in the grid.  I am a big winner but only because of the core
of Vintage participants we have in the SCCA Vintage program in South
Florida.  We all get the same "award", regardless of finishing position,
so the aggression is tempered in that area.  Best of all, we all enjoy
the company of each other and tend to paddock together as best we can. 
Feel free to contact me if you are going to be in the area with your
vintage (pre-1973, authentic to period) race car - we'd be glad to make
space for you!!!

John A. Rollins, Vintage Race Coordinator
Florida Region, SCCA

P.S.  Our schedule of events can be found off my main web page at - visit often as dates change
sometimes...  Hope to see you at one of our events!!!

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