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Hello again...

To: vintage-race@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Hello again...
Date: Wed, 29 Jan 1997 10:40:06 PST
I originally sent this a few days ago, and I finally noticed why it bounced back
so here we go again...

> > I'm looking at buying a Fiat 128 for dirt cheep!
I've never seen them for anything else.  I had one that Jim saw on a visit to
California ("Hey guys, look at that over there.  I think it's a 128!!")  and now
I have another one to replace that one.  Together they didn't cost me $700.

  > The one I've found
> > > is $1000 Canadian ($700 US)and looks and drives quite nicely. Is there an
> > > hidden problems I should be looking out for?
That first one had problems with the front chassis frame.  It had severe cracks
and became very flexible.  Look down at the corner where the bottom of the
fender meets the door.  Any orange cracks?  Also look under the car up at the
"subframe" going over the half shafts.  Cracks, or strain bends?  The engines
are pretty solid, and so are the gearboxes.  Most of the problems I found were
more ancillary and not structural.

For example, all my shifting woes dissappeared when I put in new motor mounts,
secured the shifter coupling, and replaced the shift ball and socket (on the
floor.)  Likewise with the engine, suspension and brakes.

Now I may have bought mine for only $200, but I have easily put in another $700
or $800 just to maintain it and get it back to normal.  (Brakes were three
hundred alone.  But it was worth it.)  Even now, it's only a 20 year old 128.
Slow, but it handles and brakes well.

All I've done to mine is put in a european spec cam.  A bigger carb might be
nice, someday.  I've also put new Boge shocks all around (again just
maintenance) but I put the rear struts from an x 1-9 into the front of the 128.
Lowers it so it looks good.

Tell me if you have web access, and I'll put a photo or two on the web...


P.S.  I can tell you more, but I don't want to bore Jim.  Let me know if you get
it and before you dig in, write me, I may be able to give you a tip.

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  • Hello again..., danp <=