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Ken Miles

Subject: Ken Miles
From: (Clark Smith)
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 18:25:07 -0700
Hi all,

My favorite story about Ken Miles was published in the 1959 Pomona Race program:

As a British staff sergeant during World War II, "Miles once departed from
his outfit in search for fresh eggs.  The outfit, incidently, was lost
after crossing the Ruhr during the big push into Germany."

"Miles never came back with the eggs, but two days later he did return with
22 German prisoners of war."

"While looking for the eggs, he ran smack into the Germans and was taken
prisoner, or was he?  Ken started talking and before long convinced them
Germany was losing the war and they'd be much better off on the British

"So, reverse panels.  Now the 22 are prisoners of Miles and they're looking
for his outfit, which they found soon thereafter."

Ken Miles ended up winning the main event at Pomona in a Porsche 550RS
against cars with twice the engine displacement.  Testiment to a great


"Hay Bales and Asphalt"
a video featuring vintage footage
of motor racing from 1957 to 1961.
Images and description at

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