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Re: video camera mounts

To: Rich Lambert <>
Subject: Re: video camera mounts
From: "Wm. Severin Thompson" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Dec 1996 19:19:13 -0600
Rich Lambert wrote:
> I got a roll cage video camera mount for Christmas, can anyone give me
> some taping tips?
> Rich Lambert
> '68 912 #912

One thing... don't mount it on a Can Am car! I've been doing in-car
video in the Team Thicko Healeys for years. Last summer, I mounted my
brand new Hi-8 Sony with anti shake on the roll bar of Vic Elford's
McLaren at the Chicago Historics...big mistake. I got video as far as
the end of the pit lane... then... nothing. I should not have left it in
the anti-shake mode. The vibration was so intense it just quit. As a
matter of fact, it refused to work for a month after that. Then, all of
a sudden, it decided to forgive and work again. Worked fine ever since.

You'll have to experiment with various mounting angles to minimize
vibration, and get the best camera angle. If you really want to piss
people off, mount it facing backwards. 

It helps to have a monitor available at the track to review the footage
after a session to see if adjustments  are necessary. 

You'll find that the video makes for a great learning tool during the
bench racing winter months. You can study your line for consistancy,
double check brake markers at all the tracks...etc.

Wm. Severin Thompson
Team Thicko

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