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Re: Vintage Race Dilemmas...

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Dilemmas...
From: (Jim Isbell)
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 13:36:00 -0500
>Just a couple of points;
>a) VARAC selected its two date cut-offs, Dec. 31, 1961 for Vintage and Dec.
31, '72 for 
>historic due to changes that came after each date i.e. MGA getting replaced
by MGB, 
>356 by 911, 948 Sprite by 1098/1275 Sprite etc. and the same with Historic.
That's why 
>we don't roll our dates forward....too many people are only interested in
winning so 
>they wouls constantly be moving to the 'latest' spec which only leads to
not very 
>vintage cars and a creeping escalation of preparation spec. which leads to
drums being 
>replaced with discs and on and on -
>b)we don't require a race history for our cars - there just aren't enough
racers here to 
>do that

Yes, this makes sense except that it presupposes there is not another
classafter 1972.  It supposes that all cars worth saving have been saved and
the rest are of no value.  It would seem to me that if this argument were
going on in 1950 the cut off date would be put at 1940.  And if the
discussion were in 1975 there would be those who say only cars before 1961
are worth preserving, and yet somewhere along the line it was decided that
there were another 11 years of preservable cars.

When will it be decided that the cars made between 1972 and 1982 or '80, or
85, or some other year are worth saving?  The sooner the decision is made,
the more of them will be preserved.  Delay now and there are fewer cars to save.

The decisions on "eras" should be made as each era ends.
         JIM I.

"Prefiero morir de pie que vivir de rodillas."

                                                         Gen. Emiliano Zapata

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