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piston to head

Subject: piston to head
From: "Jack W. Drews" <vinttr4@FORBIN.COM>
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 1996 10:01:36 -0600
I race a vintage TR4 and am having much fun with it. It has been so 
reliable this year (knock on wood) that I may not have much to do this 
winter except mop up the oil on the floor and freshen things up.

I'm considering building a "killer' engine.

A friend of mine who is into national level competition in motorcycles 
claims that one important ingredient in an engine like mine is to 
minimize the piston crown to head clearance in the squish portion. He 
says that motorcycle people assemble engines so close that they 'click', 
and then shim apart. On the other hand, there are some pistons available 
for Triumphs that achieve higher compression ratios with a pop-up 
section in the open area of the combustion chamber.

What's the current state of knowledge on this subject?

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