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Majordomo "who" command

Subject: Majordomo "who" command
From: Mark J Bradakis <>
Date: Thu, 29 Aug 1996 18:22:43 -0400
I am thinking of removing the 'who' command from majordomo.  As people start
seeing the internet as just another version of television, with no need
for all those annoying programs between the commercials, information like
email addresses of car enthusiasts can be open for abuse.

At the moment, anyone with email can send the 'who <some_list_name>' command
to majordomo, and get your email address.  While this is handy for folks on
the list, it is also handy for those cretins who want to send you unsolicited
advertisements.  You know, like the one I sent out to a couple lists about
British parts for sale that I can haul to Palo Alto ;-)

Some folks use the who command to get the actual address with which they are
subscribed to a list, but that functionality can be gotten with the 'which'
command.  That is, if Joe Clutchburn wants to find out if he is on the
list as, or if he is listed as,
he can send in the command 'which' and find out.

So I am trying to decide if the benefit of protecting members' email
addresses is worth losing the 'who' command for everyone.  If you feel
strongly about, one way or the other, let me know,


ps: I might as well also remind folks that if you want to send mail to
    a list, say, newsletters, you send mail to,
    NOT to newsletters-owner, or majordomo, or mjb.  A lot of folks just
    blindly hit reply, and their mailer does NOT do what they think it is

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