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Re: Vintage Race Rules

Subject: Re: Vintage Race Rules
From: Gregory Petrolati <>
Date: Thu, 4 May 1995 11:17:57 -0500 (CDT)
On Thu, 4 May 1995 wrote:

> Soooooo, if the real drivers out there know of a kindred group, please 
> send me their name, address and your is way to 
> short to sweat the small stuff! 

        As a vintage race enthusiast and writer/photographer I think
        I may have found your group... Though,  if you live other 
        than in the midwest, you'll have a bit of a drive to participate.

        Namely, the Vintage Sportscar Drivers Association or VSCDA.
        They seem to be a "less snooty than average" group, that
        seems to value the fun rather that the "win at any cost"
        attitude that is evident in some groups.

        I find that the more older vintage racers (both cars and drivers)
        one sees at an event points to the groups that emphasize the
        fun factor. The drivers have put up with enough BS that the
        low pressure groups are more attractive. The owners of thee older
        cars are more likely to "risk" their antiques in a group where
        winning and speed are not the primary goal.

        That's my tuppence though,

        Good hunting,

        Greg                 1962 Triumph TR4
        "That's not a leak... My car is marking it's territory!"
Greg Petrolati, Champaign, Illinois

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