The TR3 temperature gauge was marked off with numbers. The first mark was
90 degrees, the center mark was 180 degreesn and the "hot" mark was 230
degrees. I would think those numbers would correspond to your gauge. 150
degrees should not even reach the middle of your gauge. Do you have a
working voltage stabalizer? It might be reading high if its getting full
battery voltage.
Greg G.
Oseo, MN
> I think I may have discovered something interesting while tracing down my
> overheating TR4A problem. I did a calibration test of my temperature gauge
> and
> discovered that if I immerse my temperature gauge sensor in 150 degree
> water,
> the needle stops about 1/4" or less from the "H"? That can't be right??
> Does
> anybody have any suggestions for what a "centered" temperature gauge
> needle
> would represent in degrees F? Or, should I shoot for 212 on the "H"?
> Anyway, I think I am on to something here. The engine never really
> "sounded "
> hot if you know what I mean, no leaking hoses, no wierd whistling sounds..
> Man, I hope this is it??
> Anyway, let me know what I should adjust the gauge to read.
> Thanks,
> Dave Connitt
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