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[TR] K & N air filters

Subject: [TR] K & N air filters
From: flywheelcoventry1 at (John Macartney)
Date: Sat, 19 May 2012 17:08:55 +0100 (BST)
References: <> <> <>
Hi, Bob
I had absolutely no idea until getting your post that KN was of
American origin/manufacture :) so *very, v-e-r-y* sorry to one and all if I
inadvertantly trod on patriotic toes. 
I still think it's a waste of money and
in the same vein as using synthetic engine oil in our engines. 
In the case of
the oil though, I applaud its use in modern engines because the operating
pressures and temperatures are so much higher. But for power units of forty
plus years (or more) ago, give me good ole mineral 20/50. And for old engines
with a bit of 'slop' in bearings and gaps you could drive a horse and cart
through, my favourite strawberry conserve (with or without the fruit) would
probably be just as good as an alternative.

 From: Robert Jones <rjones at>
John Macartney <flywheelcoventry1 at>; triumphs at 
Saturday, 19 May 2012, 15:35
Subject: Re: [TR] K & N air filters

>John an
>Every English car magazine and many Englishmen pretty well treats
everything automotive originating in the USA with disdain.  Could there be a
little of that creeping in here?
>On May 19, 2012, at 8:23 AM, John
Macartney wrote:
>> IMHO, the KN filter is a waste of money. I had two on my
Triumph 2000, noticed
>> nothing in terms of 'increased performance' (but then
I don't believe such
>> claims anyway) and certainly no increase in the amount
of filth the KN
>> retained in comparison to my conventional Unipart paper
>> That said,
>> mere observation is an inaccurate method of efficacy
measurement but I was and
>> still am far from convinced.
>> I've also asked
many people if they believed the
>> advertising hype, seen increased dirt
retention or felt the KN was a better
>> option? The answers have been 'No' in
all cases - but perhaps those people
>> were all grumpy old *b*****s" just
like me? 
>> Jonmac
>> ** triumphs at **
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