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[TR] re:TR3/4 Tranny What did this?

Subject: [TR] re:TR3/4 Tranny What did this?
Date: Sun, 14 Jan 2007 15:02:40 EST
Found two 50-cent size holes punched out of TR4 clutch housing.
Fashioned 2 sheet metal covers (copper as it was handy and easy to shape 
curves) and gooped up some gaskets (thin cardboard at the time) and attached 
covers using 3 self tapping screws each from the outside. 
Drove as 'daily driver' for 8 straight years (changed clutch plate twice).
Patches still intact, no apparent problems, your experience may vary..
'63 TR4 since '74

>>> If my starter, clutch, and tranny all seem to be functioning OK  
>>> and I'm not hearing any stange noises, can
>>> I assume there is no harm in continuing to drive it?

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