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Re: TR4 flat fan: parts flying off?

To: Mark <>, triumphs <>
Subject: Re: TR4 flat fan: parts flying off?
From: Steven Newell <>
Date: Mon, 29 Aug 2005 21:59:26 -0600
Mark wrote:

> I just purchased a yellow fan and a short extension from a list member 
> with the thought of bolting it on this weekend.  It looks like the 
> radiator will need to come out to make room to remove the long 
> extension and metal fan on my 4A.  Can it be done with the radiator in 
> the car? 

No. Just installed the yellow fan today.

Take the opportunity to drain your radiator. There's just no way to 
remove the fan without removing the radiator. And the risk of poking a 
hole in the radiator would make it crazy risky even if it were possible.

For hardware, you'll need a 1 1/8" socket for the big fan hub bolt 
(disconnect the battery, remove the fan first then the big bolt), and 
it'd be a good idea to replace all six bolts and nuts on the pulley -- 
you'll need to replace the nylon locking nuts at the minimum. I got the 
bolts and nuts at the hardware store. If you don't have new rubber 
insulating washers for the fan, order those from the big three before 
the weekend.

You probably won't be able to get the fan hub assembly and pulley past 
the body cross member and steering rack. But if you take them apart 
while it's mounted on the crank, you can pull it clear without loosening 
anything else. After you remove the extension you might even be able to 
leave the pulley in place on the end of the crank, just slip it forward 
a little to replace the bolts -- otherwise there's the key that wants to 
fall out. Regardless make sure the key is in place before reassembly.

Overall it's probably a couple hours of work not counting the trip to 
the hardware store. Maybe less since you don't have to spend 1/2 hour 
trying to figure out how to get the old fan hub assembly out and another 
15 minutes fishing out the key. ;)

Steven Newell
Littleton, CO USA
'62 TR4 x 2

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