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Re: Triumphant day

To: Randall <>
Subject: Re: Triumphant day
From: Andrew Frink <>
Date: Thu, 25 Aug 2005 07:47:10 -0600
It looks like the PO hooked in the ammeter, but didn't reverse the  
wires when she switched over to negative ground. If I switch the  
lights on, running or not, the meter jumps into the + zone (should  
jump to "-" right?). Thanks for the tips. I'll look at it tonight and  
see if I can figure it out.


On Aug 24, 2005, at 11:18 PM, Randall wrote:

>> Now to make sure the POs alternator
>> conversion is actually alternating (how I do that, I have no idea--
>> another adventure in auto maintenance 101).
> Hopefully he either hooked it up to the original ammeter, or  
> installed a
> voltmeter.  If the ammeter shows charge (and shows discharge if you  
> turn the
> lights on with the engine not running), then the alternator must be  
> working.  Or
> if the voltmeter indicates over 13 volts after the engine has been  
> running a
> bit, the alternator is working.
> If neither gauge is present/working; hook a voltmeter (or digital  
> multimeter)
> across the battery with the engine running at a fast idle.  Should  
> rise to
> around 14 volts, anything over 13 indicates the alternator is  
> alternating.
> Randall

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