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RE: not specifically triumph, but vintage related

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: not specifically triumph, but vintage related
From: "Steinman, Bill" <>
Date: Wed, 3 Aug 2005 16:07:14 -0400
One of the most vivid reminders of how dangerous our cars can be in an
accident came to me in 1990.  That year, the MG "T" register did a
cruise around the UK with 89 T-series cars.  One couple had a J2 or a TA
(quite brave indeed -- we put 2000 miles on the cars in three weeks),
and were driving in a small town when a truck carrying scrap metal going
the other way hit a bump.  A large something or other fell out of the
truck and hit one of the fenders and part of the hood (sorry, bonnet) of
the pre-war car.  The entire corner of the car.  Missed the footwells by
inches.  Now of course, our post-war cars are a bit more solid, but the
image of the crushed car remains with me to this day!

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