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Re: Troubled TR8

Subject: Re: Troubled TR8
Date: Mon, 30 May 2005 21:55:58 EDT
In a message dated 5/30/2005 7:56:12 PM Central Standard Time, writes: 
> Lady and Gentleman,
> Start Your Engines!
> That was for TeriAnn, and in her spirit I humbly ask for the advise of the 
> List.  Seems the TR8 likes to stay at 2500 Revs.  I think something is up 
> with 
> those darn water chokes on the ZS Carbs.  They will not kick down as normal. 
> Letting it warm up I notice that the lines going to the chokes are still 
> cold 
> whilst the rest of the lines are hot. Has anyone had a similar experience?  
> I am 
> going to do a cooling system flush and all, should I rip into those chokes?
Darrell, I would correct the water flow issue before tearing into the chokes. 
 They might just be fine.  The water (OK water/ethylene glycol mix) flows out 
of a port under the left carb through the chokes in turn and finally tees 
into the line to the reservoir.  If you pull the line from the tee you can see 
you have any flow (do this with the car cold and catch the coolant in a can 
and plug the tee).  If you get no flow work your way back until you do.  If you 
get nothing out of the supply port you may need a pipe cleaner.

Have Bob P start and stop the car for you between tests.


Dave Massey
57 TR3
71 TR6
80 TR8

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