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Re: Trick for removing stuck brake caliper pistons

To: Don Malling <>,
Subject: Re: Trick for removing stuck brake caliper pistons
From: Jeff Johnson <>
Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2005 22:35:05 -0500
I don't think there was any implication that the info was faulty. Nelson 
just went places that are probably okay for most list members to tackle on 
their own. Making it available to the general public opened him up to 
liability that he didn''t want to shoulder. Can't say I blame him there.

Can't be too careful in today's sue-happy world. All this stuff about 
tearing open brake calipers. Now, we can talk about it on the list, because 
most of us are interested in that kind of stuff. Not something you want to 
share with the public at large.

Jeff Johnson

At 09:25 PM 3/28/2005, Don Malling wrote:
>Your statement.....
> >Nelson usually is right ... but don't forget why his stuff is no longer on
> >the Buckeye site.
>followed by...
> > It was taken down at his request, because he was afraid of being sued for
> > it.
>Is your implication that Nelson was well aware of the faulty information 
>he was providing and that he could be sued for dispensing such faulty 
>You'll have to help me here. Maybe you should just state what you mean 
>rather than making these vague statements and implications of something or 

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