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TR6 stuck head-request for help

To: <>
Subject: TR6 stuck head-request for help
From: "shawmon" <>
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 16:55:39 -0800
Hey Listers,

I've run into a problem removing the head on my TR6 and have run out of 
ideas.  Using the rope trick I have the head mostly released, EXCEPT for one 
point at the right-hand front-most stud.  It seems that the stud has rusted 
to the head along the entire length of the stud.  I've been using penetrant 
to try to get it to release, but have made little progress.  Tried a double 
nut to try and pull the whole stud, but there's not quite enough thread 
exposed, and I can't get the top nut on enough to lock.  Gave in and tried 
an easy out, it broke off only a few threads in, and the stud didn't budge. 
Have considered trying to drill out the stud, but am leaving it as a last 
resord, because I'm afraid of damaging the head.

Any ideas?  I've been stalled on this project for a long time, and would 
really like to get the car screwed back together and back on the road, but 
I'm stuck (so is the head), and I don't know where to go from here.



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