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Re: stuck head on TR2

To: TR <>
Subject: Re: stuck head on TR2
From: Geo Hahn <>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 2004 09:42:26 -0700
References: <>
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Peter Ryner wrote:

>I've done this procedure and it works well.  The only difficulty you'll have
>is coming up with a tool that will compress the springs while you put the
>new keepers on.  You can buy one from Auto Zone etc., but as I remember,
>they were too large for the small springs on the TR.  I ended up making one
>myself from some soft steel and it worked well.
I have done this with a compressor made of wood... a 1x4 I think.  It 
was handy and an approriate sized hole allowed plenty of room to pluck 
out the keepers in spite of the thickness of the board.  Made it nice 
and long so I had a lot of leverage for compressing the springs.

Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
64 TR4
Mt Lemmon, AZ

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