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* TR3 Crapped Out Again *

To: <>
Subject: * TR3 Crapped Out Again *
Date: Fri, 18 Jun 2004 07:50:39 -0500
References: <>
Hi everyone!

I must thank Steve, Tom, Kurtis, Lou, Dave H, StevesTR, TJ and Tim Tucker
for the help.  It looks like I will be:

1) Replaceing the coil and plug wires
2) Changing the plugs
3) Leaning out the rear carb and rechecking the front
4) Checking the white power wire, and the wire to the coil
5) Checking Fuel delivery by the electric pump/filter etc.

A few final questions:

1) Is there an easy way I can check to see which cylinder is firing when she
starts to crap out - I mean whether there is a spark or not?
2) This car has a Holly fuel regulator - how do I know it is set right?

Thanks again everyone!

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