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RE: oil pressure

Subject: RE: oil pressure
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 27 Apr 2004 23:06:55 -0700
Cc: <>
> How does this oil problem effect those of us with the other oil pressure
> relief? The later models aren't really adjustable, although I
> understand you
> can buy a new string that is a bit stiffer. Just curious.

It's not a question of adjustment Jack, I was just describing the TR2-4
relief valve.  The problem occurs because the relief valve sticks open.

To recap, some people have observed a fairly dramatic drop in oil pressure
on an otherwise healthy engine, caused by the pressure relief valve sticking
open.  These occurrences, although rare, have been linked to the use of
Castrol motor oil.  The immediate cure is to disassemble and clean the valve
with solvent.  I've been told that most people never have it happen again,
even if they continue using Castrol oil ... but I chose not to continue
using Castrol to be sure.

The problem is not limited to any model of Triumph, or even Triumphs in
general.  Happened to me on a Chevy straight-6.


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