McRuss wrote:
>Why the heck is it that a question on how to bleed brakes (not actually rocket
>science) can generate a dozen replies while my equally stupid question on
>where the bleeder nipple goes (12:00 oclock vs 10:00) cant get a single rise?
I went out and looked at my car when I first read the message and again
just now. I did not reply because my set-up was so different from what
I thought you were asking that either my installation was way off or I
didn't understand the question.
The wheel cylinders/bleeders on mine are at 4:00 (left side) and 8:00
(right side). The bleeder nipple points mostly up and away from the hub.
>This is my last attempt at getting an answer from this list.
I hope not... IMO it will be your loss if it is.
Geo Hahn
59 TR3A
64 TR4
Mt Lemmon, AZ