In a message dated 02/04/2004 10:15:25 PM US Eastern Standard Time, writes:
And in case you still don't know (or care) what I'm talking about, the rear
wheel brake backing plates on a TR4 look like they should go on with the
bleeder valve at the 10:00 position as seen from outboard. But I dont recall
they they were positioned (they've been off over a year.) My shop manual photo
looks like the 10:00 position as well but all diagrams and common sense says
they should be at 12:00.
Did you get the reply and pic I sent to you yesterday? If not, here's a
rerun. If you'd like the pic sent again, let me know:
"My TS67947L TR3A is wearing Girling. If you look straight at the wheel
while standing from the driver's side, the bleeder nipple is at 4 o'clock. The
nipple is at the lower end. The nipple is around 8 o'clock looking from the
passenger side. Check out the attached pic of the driver's (left) side taken
from under the car looking out."
That's the way it is on my car, at least. Enjoy.