> Why the heck is it that a question on how to bleed brakes (not
> actually rocket science) can generate a dozen replies while my
> equally stupid question on where the bleeder nipple goes (12:00
> oclock vs 10:00) cant get a single rise?
Just a WAG ... it might help if your questions made sense. The correct
answer is ... neither! The nipple is attached to the wheel cylinder, which
goes near the bottom but behind the axle centerline ... which is 5:00 on one
side and 7:00 on the other.
> Also, I cant deal with a 10 to 1 ratio of everything but TR4 to
> TR4 posts so I go with Digest version.
80% of what's said about the TR2-3 also applies to TR4 (including your brake
question, since TR4 rear brakes are very similar to front disc TR3/A/B).
And a good 30% of everything else applies just as well to TR4 as it does to
other cars.
> Because of this, I cant
> reply to a post without the reply going off to listland, never to
> be heard from again...
Does not compute. Do a "reply all", then preferably (IMO) delete the OP's
name. The reply will then go to triumphs-digest@autox.team.net, which will
come to the list.
> This is my last attempt at getting an answer from this list.
Is that a threat or a promise ?
Illegitimi non Carborundum