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Re: check out this honda site. really.

To: Triumph Triumph list <>
Subject: Re: check out this honda site. really.
From: "Andrew H. Litkowiak" <>
Date: Tue, 26 Aug 2003 09:08:18 -0500
References: <>
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Dave Massey wrote:
> Message text written by "Andrew H. Litkowiak"
>>You're not going to pick up 50% by simply porting and polishing. 
> <
> You started with a fresh engine (from GM) so keeping the comparison fair
> (what's the point in comparing a fresh GM motor to a 25 year old tired TR
> motor?) then with porting, manifolds, cam and a compression ration increase
> will achieve 150 HP with not much fuss at all.  After all the euro spec TR6
> motors achieved this from the factory.  And the internal parts - pistons,
> rods, crank, etc - should be up to the task.  Going to 200+ hp (achievable
> but not cheap) is another story.
> Dave

The object of my post was to point out that in most areas of the US, $1000 
buy you a 50% HP increase in a Triumph engine.

Anything can be done, for a price. With a Triumph engine in a quality foreign 
shop, $1000 will barely get you in the front door.

With $1000 and a solid core, I can walk out the door with a solid rebuilt Chevy 
305 or 350. Not a fresh engine, not a new engine. Rebuilt.

For $1200-$1500, I can walk out the door with a very solid rebuilt street 
performance engine.

What really honks me off is that our engines are not all that different from 
US V8's. The problem arises from the "unique" nature of these animals when 
compared with the run of the mill US engine.

Most shops today have no clue where to find our parts, no ready source for 
specifications, no idea of the available performance upgrades available, etc., 
etc. If you go to a shop with no experience, you end up doing most of the 
research and parts location, then paying them for your own experience. If 
lucky, the engine doesn't blow up or leak or make "funny" noises when you get 

Most shops will not warranty the engine if you walk in with the parts (never 
mind that they couldn't find them with a catalogue and a magnifying glass). The 
moment it is outside their experience, they either don't want to touch it or 
charge you up the bazoo to be a guinea pig.

If you are fortunate enough to find a quality foreign shop that really knows 
business, you get charged up the bazoo anyway.

Please, don't throw the $1000 figure around willy nilly. Anyone whose had to 
have an engine built for a TR knows that number is pretty silly.

Andy Litkowiak

Andy Litkowiak

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