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Re: engine knock

To: "" <>
Subject: Re: engine knock
From: Doug Hamilton <>
Date: Thu, 31 Jul 2003 08:58:54 -0600
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How was your oil pressure before you noticed this problem? If it was 
lower than normal you may have bad cam bearings. But they would have to 
be really bad to cause things to bind as much as you describe. I suspect 
Bob's diagnosis is probably the right one but while your in there check 
the cam bearings if they are bad enough they will make the chain loose 

Doug Hamilton
1960 Triumph TR3A
1963 Fiat Cabriolet

>I hope I can get some advice about the current problem I have with my TR3.
>When it ran, a couple of weeks ago, it had a very heavy knocking at idle 
>which would basically go away as I accererated.  It would return 
>immediately once I took my foot of the gas.
>I have dropped the pan and replaced the rod bearings. 
>Currently I have the plugs out and the rocker arm assembly off.  I can 
>turn it over by hand and all seems fine.  It turns over w/o any obvious 
>noise or knocking. 
>BUT once I put the rocker arm assembly back on and adjust the clearances, 
>I get a very distinct knock as I turn it over by hand. It seems to come 
>from the camshaft but I can not say that for sure.
>Also I noticed that once I put the rocker arm assembly back on, the 
>distributor shaft does not go around as smoothly as it did when the rocker 
>arm shaft was off. 
>You can actually watch the rotor kind of get stuck and then there will be 
>the knock and the rotor jumps forward.  I thought it had something to do 
>with the way the distributor shaft was messing with the camshaft but this 
>only occurs when the rocker arm asssembly is in place.
>Thanks for any thoughts
>Charlie DuBois - 
>58 TR3 - 31682E

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