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Re: How to moth ball a project vehicle?

Subject: Re: How to moth ball a project vehicle?
From: Mike Lang <>
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2003 22:06:39 -0700
References: <>
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Thanks everyone for the advice!

I am seriously considering just storing it as is. The company that 
dipped it for me, showed me some stripped body panels that had been 
stored overhead in their shop for 8 months. They had some minor spots of 
rust on them, but for the most part still looked good. Their shop is 
about as corrosive and humid of environment as you could find (heated 
dip tanks of acid, pressure washing areas, etc). I think that dealing 
with some minor rust issues may be easier that working around the primer.

I really hate to put my project in moth balls, but this is just too good 
of an opportunity to pass up.



Paul Burr wrote:

> Mike:
> Unless you live in a swamp, the body should be fine. My Tiger sat in 
> bare metal for 3 YEARS and didn't get 1 spec of rust. it had been 
> redi-stripped and iron phosphated like your TR3.
> 30 x 60 shop? I getting green with envy!
> Paul
> On Monday, April 14, 2003, at 10:00 PM, Mike Lang wrote:
>> I now have a dilema. The body tub for my TR3 has been dipped and
>> stripped, and I have partially completed its restoration. The sills and
>> floors are ready to weld in, but there is quit a bit of rust repair left
>> to be done. At the rate that I have been going, there is probably a
>> little more than a month's worth of work left before it's ready for 
>> primer.
>> We just stumbled acrossed an excelent oportunity on a foreclosed piece
>> of property which has a fairly new house but no shop. It took some
>> negotiation, but the bank took our low-ball offer. I am now stuck in the
>> situation of having to put my project car in mothballs for six months or
>> so while we move and I build a shop. The up side is that now I have the
>> oportunity to go from working in a two car garage to the 30 X 60 shop
>> that I always wanted.
>> My body tub has been treated with an iron phosphate coating, so it is
>> showing no signs if rust. I don't however, think that it would be smart
>> to leave it for six months or more without further rust protection. I
>> have considered a light coat of primer for protection, but the down side
>> is having to sand all of the areas that need welding when I start work
>> on it again.
>> Any one have any suggestions as to how I should best protect the bare
>> metal while in storage?
>> Thanks,
>> Mike
>> 1956 TR3
>> 1960 TR3A

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