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RE: TR3 Timing Marks

Subject: RE: TR3 Timing Marks
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 15 Apr 2003 14:59:19 -0700 FILETIME=[43618FA0:01C3039A]
>      I've thought that my TR3A didn't have a timing mark until I
> took the belt
> off and found that there is a small hole in the pulley right
> below where we had
> made a mark with liquid paper. Obviously, this must be the timing
> mark, but how
> is one supposed to see it with the belt covering it? Most crank
> pulleys have
> some sort of colored slot for a timing mark.
>      What gives? Are they all like this?

Yes, they're all like that.  When the hole is aligned with the pointer, the
belt doesn't cover it.

The hole marks TDC, not the 4 BTDC that the engine is supposed to be timed

BTW, a timing light may not be accurate on a stock engine, as the
centrifugal advance may be active at idle rpm.  Static, or "road test" works
better.  The book method is to static time to TDC, then advance 4 degrees
using the vernier on the dizzy, then road test for final adjustment.


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