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RE: Camber, Caster, Toe, SAI, Included Angle.... (long)

Subject: RE: Camber, Caster, Toe, SAI, Included Angle.... (long)
From: "Jim Muller" <>
Date: Wed, 05 Feb 2003 23:38:29 -0500
References: <>
Thank, Randall, for your note on this subject.  I learned a few 
things!  On 5 Feb 2003 at 13:45, Randall Young wrote:

> > >9. Rear Camber
> > >I'm a bit concerned about this one.   The specified range is -4 deg 45
> > >mins to -2 deg 45 min.   I've got +53 mins on the Left and +5 mins on
> > >the right.   Problem?
> Not a serious one, IMO, but perhaps worth looking into.  First step should
> be independent verification, as I've seen a lot of shops that are sloppy
> about measuring such things.

Yeah, this is a curious reading for a Spitfire.  They all start 
negative and then get worse as the rear spring sags.  The only thing 
I can think of that could make the camber go positive (other than 
poor measurement or not letting the car settle properly) is that 
someone changed something.  A stiffer spring perhaps, or a poorly 
mounted one if someone swapped a swing-spring into an older car.  Or 
one of Kas Kastner's camber compensators!  Michael, does your rear 
have what looks like a crossing spring mounted under the rear?

> I don't know the wheelbase of a Spit offhand, but 0.1 degrees
> is only 0.2 inches at 10 feet.

83 inches.

Jim Muller
'80 Spitfire, '70 GT6+

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