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RE: Front brake job - what to do?

To: "Joe Merone" <>, "Triumph List" <>
Subject: RE: Front brake job - what to do?
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 4 Feb 2003 11:13:27 -0800
> But how about the rotors?  They look good and smooth and have
> never been turned before.  Should I turn them now or just buy
> new?

Joe, this is definitely not a mainstream opinion ... but I never have rotors
turned unless there is a problem.  TR rotors are cheap enough, but I've
owned vehicles where they were not so cheap (like $250 apiece).  Unless the
runout is excessive (spin the hub and watch the surface of the rotor move in
and out relative to the caliper/pad), or they're worn well past the
published wear limit, I leave them alone, except perhaps to scuff the
surface a bit if they look glazed.

>  The calipers seem fine also.  Should they automatically be
> rebuilt?  Are stainless steel pistons worth it?

Again, I wouldn't touch them unless they have a problem.  SS pistons may be
worthwhile if you don't use silicone fluif, and the old pistons are pitted
or rusty, but I wouldn't just automatically change them.

Any time you open the hydraulics, you introduce the chance for more
problems.  Dirt, water, defective or marginal new components ... all are at
least a possibility.

Just my 2p worth, YMMV

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