> I am about to re-assemble my 3A disc brake calipers (pre - TS 56376
> type) with new pistons, gaskets and dust covers. The Haynes manual
> seems to suggest that this is a fairly straightforward operation, but
> I suspect that getting the pistons in straight and the dust covers
> properly located could be a bit tricky.
A bit, perhaps, but not all that bad really. ISTR I decided it was a bit
easier to put the dust seal on the piston before inserting it into the
caliper, but it wasn't at all hard putting the seal on afterwards. Lube the
seal with brake fluid, and put it in the bore first. Lube the piston too,
then use finger pressure on both sides to press it through the seal. Mine
at least showed no tendency to cock in the bore as long as the pressure was
reasonably even.
> I also noticed that the DPO
> had applied some sort of rubber adhesive between the piston /dust
> covers and the brake shoes: additional sealing? anti squeal?
'Rubber grease' would go inside the dust cover, my guess is that you're
looking at some sort of anti-squeal compound. There are lots of
after-market products that get painted onto the backside of the brake pad,
I've used them myself. (Didn't help much, tho.)
59 TR3A daily driver TS39781LO (sidelined for OD gearbox install)
63 Sports 6 rustoration project HB7826LCV
71 Stag daily driver Real Soon Now LE1473L (or maybe not so soon, ruined the
radiator this week)
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