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Very little LBC content

To: <>
Subject: Very little LBC content
From: "Rave Racer" <>
Date: Sun, 15 Dec 2002 08:31:22 -0500 FILETIME=[AFE293D0:01C2A43C]
References: <>
    Congrats on your first solo.  I've seen some really REALLY bad solos.

    Non LBC anecdote:  I did my private at a low cost flight school.  Our
planes were a mix of 150 Aerobats Circa 1960 and some 152's with some 150
mods.  Aerobats were a plus with strengthened tails and carbs for inverted
flight.  Interesting idea to try to mod one onto an LBC, but how often does
your LBC get upside down? (mandatory LBC content)  The minus on Aerobats
were that they were extremely old and kinda frightening to fly.  Anyway, one
certain soloist was very tense on his first pilot in command flight in one
of the 152s and on his landing had his toes pressed firmly to the floor on
his approach.  For those non pilots these are the brakes for the NOT
spinning tires while in flight.  He hit the ground with a puff of smoke and
screeched toward the end of the runway with his tires locked up.  One of the
tires released as he was heading down the runway and he spun the aircraft on
the ground AKA ground loop.  As he pulled up to the office we could see that
he had seriously flat spotted one of the tires and the plane had a funny
limp to it.
    I'm glad you survived your endeavor without mishap, congratulations.
You're on the road to one of the most fulfilling, fun, and expensive futures
you can possibly do.... other then racing.

    1940's Beech 1800 used under UPS contract to collect and distribute
Caribbean islands to San Juan, Puerto Rico.  August / September 1997;

       Rave Racer
    Multi commercial Instrument rated US and Canada
    Float endorsed, tail wheel endorsed at 22 years of age.
'89 Jetta 1.8L 16V GTX  gone but not forgotten
'87 Audi 4000 Quattro Sedan    another victim of time
'72 Triumph GT6
'83 Toyota Tercel (yoda) no more

> Date: Fri, 13 Dec 2002 21:38:55 -0500
> From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
> Subject: Very little LBC content
> Now- On to the non-LBC part of the e-mail, and a blatant waste of
bandwidth for those not interested.(Delete here, if not interested)
> This morning, Friday, 13 December, my attempts at flying an airplane were
so hideous, that my instructor got out of the Cessna 172(on the ground, of
course!) and told me to fly by myself! IN OTHER WORDS- After 40 some hours
of instruction, I have finally come to terms with landings, and this morning
SOLOED! Yes! I flew as "Pilot In Command" for the first time. Well, as "In
Command" as a student can be- no passengers, cargo or livestock(Ever try to
fit "livestock " in a 172? Maybe lemmings, or a mink or two...) no choice of
destination(right- go off that end or the runway, turn about the pattern,
come back on that end of the runway) but I- by myself- taxied out, took off-
climbed-flew a pretty good pattern- descended- and LANDED- not once, but
three times! Even the fact I had to go to work afterwards failed to annoy me
today. I have now, officially, had my first solo, and I am happy. :)
> You may now resume your regular LBC discussion.

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