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Triumphs & Indian Movies...

Subject: Triumphs & Indian Movies...
From: "Scott A. Roberts" <>
Date: Sat, 07 Dec 2002 14:22:52 -0500
While flipping channels earlier, I stumbled on the local "foreign interest" 
station, which was playing "Justice Chaudruy", apparently an early 1980's 
Indian film about the intrigues surrounding the local crime boss, and the chief 
justice of the town & family. I was quite entertained by this movie- While the 
plot was interesting, and the special effects rather low budget compared to 
US/Hollywood fare, I was never bored. American films these days are so often 
just an excuse to demolish stuff, blow it up, and put blatant nudity and sex on 
the screen(Nudity I don't have much of an issue with...) that the story line is 
often secondary to the movie. And some American films don't even seem to have a 
plot beyond "low things up between sex scenes"

One of the things I enjoyed most was a TR4 or 250 which was involved in many 
scenes, usually the important car, and in the end it was used to destroy the 
bad guy's car- without sustaining too much damage... Cute little beat up red 
TR, had a hardtop, and then no top... Looked like it might have become a nice 
resto project after filming... 

I haven't watched too many other Indian produced films, so I can't act as 
critic, but I thought it was good, although the dance scenes(something American 
dramas are sadly lacking) seemed a little long at times. And how do the women 
hit those notes? Some of the prettiest actresses I've seen in a while. 
Interesting story, well played, LBC's all over the place, easy to read 
subtitles. And I was quite surprised by the amount of English-English words 
were thrown about in the language- I will not try to even guess which language 
and dialect, but every few words something English popped into the conversation 
or singing. I know it happens all the time, in all languages, with all 
languages, but still, it was unusual for me, and brought about the small world 
feeling. Although, gee, didn't the English visit India  for a spell? ;) (Yes- I 
am familiar with the English and India... So I know where it comes from- 
kidding about a bit!)

Well, that ends social studies and Triumphs 101 for this session. A tip of the 
hat to our friends over on the sub-continent. :)


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