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Let it Snow ? No, No, No !

To: "Triumph" <>
Subject: Let it Snow ? No, No, No !
From: "Ron Easterly" <>
Date: Sat, 7 Dec 2002 13:25:33 -0500
Ah yes, winter again.......
       I can remember in the late 60's doing figure eights in about 7" of
fresh snow with my old '64 Spitfire.
Suddenly the passenger side floor board gave way and it filled the seat full
of snow.
Lucky no one was riding with me at the time or they would have been burried as
it pretty well filled that side of the car.
Funny then and even funnier to me now. I was 18 or 19 and the British Invasion
was on.
I even had a pair of Paul Revere and the Raiders knee high leather boots to
wear then.
Boy, life was so much more simple then.
At least now I know more of the value of my cars and watch the floorboards.

Ron Easterly
'59 TR3A (newely restored)
'60 MGA (started stripping but in waiting)
'72 Spitfire (setting for 8 years and needs restoration)

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