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RE: I still can't believe I survived this

To: "''" <>
Subject: RE: I still can't believe I survived this
From: "Paige, Dean" <>
Date: Fri, 27 Sep 2002 10:17:14 -0700
-----Original Message-----
From: Paige, Dean 
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 10:13 AM
To: 'Rave Racer';
Subject: RE: I still can't believe I survived this

Ostensibly a 64 year old 5'2" 190 lb grandma was driving. And no, she did
not see me by all accounts. Remember this was a F-250 sitting high off the
ground. With the low slung Jag close in to the right of the 250. The first
impact was 250's front right wheel bashing into Jag's left rear quarter.
Tire marks and rotational damage evident there. Likely she panicked and hit
the gas instead of the brake ending up on the trunk of the Jag. Ample
evidence of that with the trunk pushed in to just about the rear window. All
I know is it took a tremendous amount of force to drive the XJ UNDERNEATH
the rail with me fighting for control all the time wondering what the hell
was going on. I was so intent and terrified on what was happening in front
of me that I didn't even dare take my eyes off the road. In order to get the
Jag out Caltrans had to cut the rail off of it.

Now on the other hand the tow driver swore that the old woman wasn't
driving... that her son was and he WAS drunk. Of course no one in the truck
was tested for alcohol so who the f*** knows. 


-----Original Message-----
From: Rave Racer []
Sent: Friday, September 27, 2002 9:52 AM
Subject: I still can't believe I survived this

    It might only be my server but I couldn't get all the pics to load.
I'll try again later to see if it works.

    I don't understand.  Didn't they see you?  I mean a Jag isn't a small
car and you'd think that if they hit you once they'd know you were there and
not try again.  I have to ask the question... Were they drunk?

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