Thanks. I was going to get my neighbor but remembered his wife
telling me his backing has been acting up and is not supposed
to do any lifting. With the tub off the chassis (I am rebuilding
with the ground up restoration), getting under the car is not
needed. I will get some help, since I do believe this is my
biggest problem (my shoulders are very sore tonight and I have a
large welt on the side of my arm from it being pressed in by
the lever!).
Michael Ferguson wrote:
> Scott, do yourself a HUGE favor and find a helper! Raise the car up on jack
> stands (GOOD jack stands) and block up the engine as you mentioned (maybe
> just a bit higher than you think it should be). Draw straws to see who will
> pick up the gearbox and who will crawl under the car on his back. With one
> of you underneath, the other can lower the box so that you can grab the bell
> housing and guide it onto the guide pins/bolts.
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