Scott, do yourself a HUGE favor and find a helper! Raise the car up on jack
stands (GOOD jack stands) and block up the engine as you mentioned (maybe
just a bit higher than you think it should be). Draw straws to see who will
pick up the gearbox and who will crawl under the car on his back. With one
of you underneath, the other can lower the box so that you can grab the bell
housing and guide it onto the guide pins/bolts.
I spent about four hours doing it by myself, then discovered a cross shaft
yoke problem and had to pull it again. Got a friend to help the second TEN MINUTES it was ready to bolt up!!!
I seem to recall installing the rear mount loosely so that the rear end
would have something to rest on. Might have used a 2x4, but can't remember
for sure.
Find a friend to help! Buy the beer, take him out to dinner or send him on a
CRUISE! Offer him whatever it takes, but get someone to help!
(A word of always, when under a car, there's always the chance
that the car or in this case, the blocked up engine could fall while you're
under there. Make sure all is well before attempting this at home!)
Good luck.
Michael Ferguson
1959 TR3A TS53990L...O
There is a very fine line between 'hobby' and 'mental illness.'...Dave Barry
> From: suhring <>
> Organization: InfiNet
> Reply-To: suhring <>
> Date: Mon, 02 Sep 2002 14:20:30 -0400
> To: "Triumph Internet Mail List." <>
> Subject: TR3A Geearbox Refit
> Well, I got the flywheel and clutch installed to the rear end
> of the crank with little problem this morning, but am having
> a hell of a time getting the gearbox refitted.
> Scott Suhring
> Elizabethtown, PA
> '70 TR6
> '59 TR3
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