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RE: coolant

To: <>, <>
Subject: RE: coolant
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2002 04:23:16 -0700
> Do you get better results mixing coolant 50/50 w/water, I've always used
> straight coolant.

In general, yes, it should be mixed.  Straight anti-freeze does not cool as
well, and actually has a higher freezing point than a 50/50 mix.  However it
does have a higher boiling point than either pure water or a 50/50 mix.

There used to be some cheap 'coolants' that were already mixed, but I
haven't seen them for many years.

> I'm gonna flush my radiator and someone
> suggested using a
> vinegar mix of some sort. What was the mix on that?

I've no idea.  50/50 with oil and a little spice works well on salads ...


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