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RE: Front spring trouble

To: "'Mark Hooper'" <>, "'Darrell Walker'" <>, Walt Philipson <>, "'R. Ashford Little II'" <>, "'triumphmail list'" <>
Subject: RE: Front spring trouble
From: john donnelly <>
Date: Fri, 12 Apr 2002 11:55:52 -0700 id g3CIxFw28738
As long as we're talking front springs, does anybody have any experience with 
the competetion spring set that TRF sells? They lower the car slightly.
John in San Diego

From:   Mark Hooper []
When I did the springs I had an unusual situation. I was working on the car
in the back of a friend's factory. He had a huge great monstrous hydraulic
press and a metal strapping machine for crates. You can see where this is
going can't you?  I put each spring in the press squished it down good and
then used a thin metal strap to tie them down. Then I just dropped them in
place and cut the strap with a tin snip with long handles. The spring
thunked into place and I pulled out the strap with some vicegrips. Worked
great the first time. The next time I tried that trick, I left the
compressed springs standing on the ground for a moment while I prepared. I
guess the straps were a bit marginal. I was under the car and heard a great
BOOOING!!!, followed by a crash as one of the springs shot through the air
and landed in the parts depot a hundred feet away. Just imagining what would
have happened if I had been holding the spring when it let go made me feel
queer all over. Last time I tried that trick I can tell you.

Mark Hooper

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