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RE: Brake fluid

Subject: RE: Brake fluid
From: Randall Young <ryoung@NAVCOMTECH.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 09:57:44 -0700
> After seeing numerous discussions on the list about brake fluid pros and
> cons I thought the following article from RPMNet might interest everyone.

There are so many mistakes of fact on that page that I can't even begin to
address them all.  Let me hit just two :

Glycol-based fluids suck water out of the air.  If you opened the can in the
air, or the air in your MC reservoir is not at 0% humidity, the fluid is no
longer dry.  Since our LBC brake systems are open to the atmosphere, the
glycol will continue to suck water out of the air until it is saturated.
Silicone-based fluids will not do this, and will remain 'dry' forever unless
water is somehow added to the brake system.

You'll note there is a glaring inconsistency on the page also, in one place
they say that any water in silicone will boil at 212F, yet in another place
they say that with 3% water added, the mixture will boil at 356F.  Since the
latter statement is guaranteed by US Department of Transportation testing,
I'd say the former statement is a lie.

About the only thing I agree with is that for racing, racing brake fluid
changed every few weeks is better.


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