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RE: Supercharged Triumph Engine

To: <>
Subject: RE: Supercharged Triumph Engine
From: "Randall Young" <>
Date: Tue, 9 Apr 2002 18:30:27 -0700
> My
> assumption is
> that power is power whether it comes from a supercharger or
> PI...

Well, not necessarily.  The amount of force seen by the bottom end and the
rest of the drivetrain is really proportional to torque, not necessarily
power.  I don't have the comparative specs handy, but I would guess that
peak torque is pretty comparable between the carbed and PI TR6.  Might be
10% higher for the 150hp engine, but certainly not the 50% that the power
figures would seem to indicate.  However, with a supercharger and relatively
modest boost of 8 psi or so, peak torque will typically also increase by

Of course, driving habits play a large part too.  Someone who is kind to
their drivetrain by applying power smoothly instead of 'popping' the clutch
all the time can get by with far more power/torque and less breakage.


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