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TR2/3 - Stuck Engine - HELP!

To: Triumph digest <>
Subject: TR2/3 - Stuck Engine - HELP!
From: Rob Blubaugh <>
Date: Mon, 08 Apr 2002 15:27:15 -0500
Hello again list patrons!  This is long, but I need input from the "been
there - done that gang."

Time constraints and disappointments have kept me away from the list
(and away from my car) for awhile.  Last year I completed a thorough
rebuild of my TR2 engine and  transmission (transmission  jobbed out to
Connecticut).  It was not easy for me as I had never done complete
rebuild before.  I went as carefully as I could.  In end, about October,
it all came together.  The engine ran well and I put about 300 miles on
the car.  .......  Then trouble set in.  Here is the scoop:

Engine started "cutting out," it would stop firing completely while
driving and then would fire and run again for awhile only to cut out
again later.  It got progressively worse and eventually would not
"recover" and I would have to pull to the side of the road.  Generally,
after lots of grinding the starter, it would fire again and get me back
home.  On the last trip of about six miles, it died repeatedly and
eventually I pushed it the last 300 yards to my driveway and into my

My thoughts were of an electrical fault.  On trying to discover exactly
what it was, I did lots of engine cranking in my garage.  I was getting
fuel and spark, but the engine NEVER FIRED A LICK AGAIN.  Now the BIG
problem:  on tapping the solenoid to "bump" the engine so I could set
the points "open" for inspection (Mallory dual points ignition), the
engine has now LOCKED UP COMPLETELY.


I think, and I certainly hope, it is not internal with the crankshaft
main bearings or the rod bearings and bolts.  When the engine was
running, it was smooth and there were no deep and nasty noises in it.
Neither was there any thrashing noise from the front of the engine to
indicate a  problem with the timing chain or gears.  Before the engine
locked up I did another compression test and all cylinders returned at
test of about 200 - 205 psi.  (No apparent problem in the valve train or
piston movement.)  I pulled the starter thinking it could have a broken
shaft while engaged, but the starter is ok and the ring gear on the
flywheel appears to be ok from what I can see from where the starter was

The engine is stuck tight.  I have tried pushing the car out of the
garage and I had my daughter "pop" the clutch in reverse to see if it
would break free.  The tires would slide on the driveway surface.  I
have now pulled the front apron, the radiator, the fan, etc. and I can
put my 1 1/4 " socket on my breaker bar and onto the bolt in the end of
the crankshaft.  It won't budge!  With considerable anti-clockwise
force, the bolt starts to come out.

I am frustrated and disheartened.  I feel like offering the car for sale
at a fire sale price, but I have a couple of thousand dollars in new
cylinders, pistons, rings, camshaft & lifters, timing chain & tensioner,
new oil pump, new valves - springs & seals, new radiator, new generator,
machine shop charges for crank grind - head rebuild & media blasting of
the block.  I have another $800  - $1000 in the transmission rebuild and
the new clutch parts.

It may come to removing the engine and transmission again to begin
another tear down to find the problem, but if anyone has any idea os an
"accessory" that could be the nature of my dilemma, I would be most
appreciative on hearing your ideas or suggestions.  Could the
distributor shaft that engages the oil pump and the bevel gear on the
camshaft have done something that would "lock" the engine?  Could
something have come loose in the clutch / flywheel assembly that could
have jammed to stick the engine?  I am stumped and very short on
patience and resolve to continue at this time.

     ---  SINCE THE INITIAL WRITING OF THIS NOTE:  ---  I have now
removed the distributor, although it was difficult to get the shaft out
when the cam could not turn.  Shaft and gear look fine.  --  I have also
removed the timing case cover.  Chain, gears and tensioner seem fine.
--  Looks as though the engine and the transmission must come out
again.  I sure hope something is amiss with the clutch / flywheel / ring
gear, etc.   Otherwise I am back inside the engine.  Could the new fuel
pump lock up an engine?  I surely don't think so as the arm that rides
the cam lobe would  bend or break before the engine would lock up.

Your ideas, comments, suggestions will be greatly appreciated.  Thanks
in advance.

Respectfully yours,
Rob Blubaugh
Rensselaer, Indiana (home - for now at least - of TS7690 with engine
engine TS 15848)

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