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Re: Buying a TR6 - or a Herald 1200 Convertible?

Subject: Re: Buying a TR6 - or a Herald 1200 Convertible?
From: Michael Hargreave Mawson <>
Date: Sun, 7 Apr 2002 23:59:56 +0100
References: <031d01c1de84$e02428c0$9bf4a8c0@zebu>
User-agent: Turnpike/6.00-U (<LxVf5jpHTJ4KxZf4nSFlqLdH9U>)
In article <031d01c1de84$e02428c0$9bf4a8c0@zebu>, Graham Stretch 
<> writes
>Hi Michael
>Another thing to look out for is strange tyre wear patterns, or more precisely
>one worn tyre on the front that looks out of place, this could indicate a bent
>verticle link, I would not turn down a good car just because of this. I bent
>one myself and it only takes slight force under the right conditions to do it.
>What I would do is change that sucker if you can't get teh tyre wear sorted
>with minor tracking alignment, yes you could set the suspension up to remove
>the tyre wear by doing the camber castor etc but that is not teh point. It is
>not much fun when a verticle link colapses.

I can believe that.   Thanks for the tip.

> Also I found my Herald a bit
>scitish with the front suspension set up as factory, but then that is for
>cross plies and you won't be using those will you?

Can you even still buy them?

> I set the camber on the
>front to about 1deg neg ie in at the top, which is much better for radial
>tyres and gives back that driving on rails feeling to the car.

Noted and filed.   Thanks very much.


Michael Hargreave Mawson, author of "Eyewitness in the Crimea"

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