Philoi Triomphon,
After once again proving the Second Law of Home Auto Repair, "If you didn't
do it twice you didn't do it right" (tm), the tub is back on the frame
_with_ new floors. And, the floors are level and square, the fenders line
up and the doors close properly. Another milestone. I have the doors
well-braced and have removed the inner sill on the drivers side. I found
rust between the inner and outer sills along the top edges, I feel
justified in going to the trouble to replace them rather than repair them.
Just wanted to brag a little. I wish I was reporting on last Saturday's
drive up to Bandolier, or a night to the movies with my date, or something
besides grinding, welding, cursing, cutting, bending and welding. But
that's life with Triumphs.
See all y'all in Breckinridge.
Cliff Hansen
1966 TR-4A CTC 64615L (now with new floors that fit)
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