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spinning captured fender bolts

Subject: spinning captured fender bolts
From: "Jesse Bregman" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Jun 2001 16:51:38 FILETIME=[C8676790:01C0F296]
Ok, I got the rear left fender removed, but in doing so I had to cut through 
the two lower bolts (one front, one rear) since the captured nuts were just 
spinning.  I would guess that others have been in this situation, and would 
like to get advice on how to re-attach the fender.  Is there a method that 
doesn't require cutting out the section around the bad nut and welding in a 
new one or cutting into the box section from the side and then welding it 
closed again?  It would be a lot easier if I could get to the nuts from 
behind, but I guess Triumph didn't worry in 1959 about how someone would 
deal with this problem 42 years in the future.

Thanks for all suggestions.


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