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Re: Powder Coating Plastics. . . part 2

To: "Jeff Johnson" <>, "David Massey" <>, <>
Subject: Re: Powder Coating Plastics. . . part 2
From: "Fred Thomas" <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jun 2001 07:16:34 -0400
References: <>
. Some new powders will cure at something like 150 degrees
> F. It is unlikely that we hobbyists will see these in common use for
> automotive applications any time soon.
> Having said that, who knows? - the pace of technology today is staggering.
> (At least to me it is!)
> Jeff Johnson
> rabid P/C 'er
Jeff the lo-temp is available right now for hobbiest, I received a brochure
from "Spray-Lat" about 3 weeks ago, I replied and have not heard back from
them yet, will keep you posted.  "FT"

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