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Re: Powder Coating Plastics. . . part 2

To: Scott Bloomer <>
Subject: Re: Powder Coating Plastics. . . part 2
From: David Massey <>
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2001 11:12:09 -0400
Cc: "[unknown]" <>, "[unknown]" <>
Message text written by Scott Bloomer
>A microwave works by exciting polar molecules, like water, causing them
wiggle violently. They change the microwave energy into heat energy. Most
plastics are 
low in this kind of molecules, so they could be microwaved without
becoming hot.

Well put.  I seriously doubt microwaving would work.  Infra-red, on the
other hand has the highest likelyhood of working.  Infra-red will heat the
opaque surface (powder) and just the top layer of the substrate.  If you
are very careful you could powder coat a plastic part with only a very
slight melting of the outer surface of the part.

I think


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