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Re: Many Herald questions...

Subject: Re: Many Herald questions...
Date: Sun, 25 Mar 2001 21:45:16 EST
In a message dated 3/25/2001 6:43:54 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> First question - is a Herald steering coupling the same as a 74 Spitfire 
> one? If so, I have one in spares.

> The accelerator pedal seems to be loosely attached at the bottom, and 
> hanging from the accelerator cable at the top - doesn't seem quite right - 
> it wobbles all over the place.
I don't know as it will get much better than that unless you can find an NOS 
pedal assembly. Sorry!

> It has the single Solex carb, and seems to be running WAY rich. I have the 
> Factory workshop manual, but I can't seem to find anything in there on 
> adjusting the mixture. Maybe I am getting lost in the British English of 
> the manual... ;-)
Details are on page 1.303 of the Factory Workshop Manual. Maybe you're 
missing that page? Let me know.

   >  am going to need to replace one outer sill panel (big dent) - do these 
> just screw\bolt on?

> What is the difference in exhaust systems between single and dual carb 
> 1147's?  Rimmers lists different systems for each. My car is a single carb 
> at the moment, but I have a dual SU setup to go on once I have the carbs 
> rebuilt.
The important difference is in the larger flange where the header pipe bolts 
up to the manifold (assuming use of the cast-iron Herald 948 twin-carb or 
Spitfire 4 ["Mk.1] exhaust manifold). Of course, if you're using any sort of 
tubular header such as that of the Mk2 Spitfire, you're pretty much on your 
own (although you probably could use  a cut-down Herald 1200 header pipe).

> How do you adjust the reach of the steering column? Judging by the 
> scratches on it, it is all the way out. Since I am not exactly slim, this 
> makes for a very poor driving position! Is there any way to get the seat 
> back farther? I have about 6" between the back of the front seat and the 
> rear seat.
Down under the dash, find the allen-head setscrew and the locknut. Loosen the 
locknut, then loosen the Allen screw one turn. Slacken the clamp nuts 
securing the outer column to the dash, and slacken the nuts/bolts holding the 
outer column to the bulkhead. Then the column should move up and down (in or 
out) as needed, although you might have to further slacken the bolts that 
hold the clamp plate (the one with the Allen screw).

Note, upon tightening everything back up, the Allen screw should be tightened 
to about 4 lb/ft (as my manual describes it, as tight as you can get it using 
the Allen wrench WITHOUT bending the wrench). That setting helps provide the 
telescoping function upon impact (heaven forbid, and such action also depends 
on how far down you ultimately adjust the column).

> The doors are VERY hard to open and shut - any pointers on what to look for 
> in the latch area?
Basically, alignment and lubrication of the latch and catch plate. At worst, 
you might have to realign the door somewhat.

> Are there any US suppliers of Herald parts? Other than the bits that are 
> the same as a Spitfire, of course! Certainly there are no shortage of them 
> in the UK, but shipping over the pond is not exactly cheap. I have the 
> Rimmer Bros. catalog - looks like they carry everything, but I shudder to 
> think what the shipping on a complete interior or some such will be.
For all practical purposes, no. The UK is the place to go.


Andrew Mace, President, The Vintage Triumph Register

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