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Re: TR3A commission number

Subject: Re: TR3A commission number
From: "J.H. Roulleaux" <>
Date: Sun, 18 Mar 2001 16:06:48 +0100
Date sent:              Sat, 17 Mar 2001 17:57:19 -0600
From:                   Dave Quirt <>
To:                     John Macartney <>
Copies to:              TR mailing list <>
Subject:                Re: TR3A commission number
Send reply to:          Dave Quirt <>


Even more interesting. Then that would make two TR3As currently residing
in Ottawa, Ontario that originally came from "one of Malta, South Africa
or Australia". Now, given that these two cars are LHD and appear to have
always been so (I've had 2TS 81140 L since '77), South Africa and
Australia are unlikey countries of origin. Is/was Malta RHD or LHD??
Still, this would be a long-shot.

Anybody else want to give this a shot??

Dave Q.

Dave and all,
I' ll give it a very little shot,
What I know about TRs assembled in Belgium is that:
My first car in 63 ,a Belgium assembled 58 TR3A  had prefix B like 
all TR3s from Belgium thus at the period: BTSxxxxxL.
TR2s assembled in Nessonvaux carried a suffix  N, to say Comm#
would be TSxxxxLN. To make things easier some TR chassis were 
finished by a company in Antwerp, I don't remember the name,
before dispatched to Imperia in Nessonvaux and this cars had 
added an S to the comm#,  TSxxxxSLN.
For sure is that TRs were also assembled in Canada Australia 
South Africa etc , I have the prefixes lying around somewhere,
but it could be that the "2" stood for Canada.

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